Is there a securuity threat using the following code: Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.U… - aspupload persits bittorrent
When I type the following code: Set Upload = Server.CreateObject use ( "Persits.Upload") -> ASPUpload -> (for downloading) of files can cause problems for the safe accommodation? The Party hosting the claims as follows ... Is that true? "Some" ASPUpload risky "dangerous properties than others. One of the most dangerous are: • Registration of ActiveX. With this function, an attacker can put a Trojan ActiveX DLL server, register and simply call an ASP script. • List of Directories . This feature allows users of this browser in the drive of Web servers, and downloading files. • Identity theft of the account. · removal and disposal of directory files. ASPUpload After the installation of a common web server, it is recommended that the Most or all of the potentially dangerous, are not activated, or at least some examples of code is deleted BOF .....
Active-X can be hidden from Troy and a host of others to publish their virus.if the site, so leave him alone.
I have no idea whether this is true or not that is a security risk. However, housing has a text that much about him, I think I have created law. Listen.
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